Daymak Spiritus

Introducing Daymak Spiritus, World’s First Electric Car to Mine Cryptocurrency

Make money while charging your electric car. Here is an ingenious idea introduced by Daymak that combines crypto mining with electric cars.

To carve a niche in the electric car segment, a Canadian car maker company, Daymak, has come up with an amazing Idea. Indeed, Daymak had introduced Spiritus, the world’s first electric car capable of mining cryptocurrencies, when parked. From bitcoin to dogecoin, the vehicle will mine cryptocurrencies for its owner while charging.

“Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are two of the most disruptive innovations of our time,” said Aldo Baiocchi, President of Daymak, according to whom, as other cars lose value, Spiritus “will pay for itself while it will be parked.”

The electric car maker has announced that its Spiritus model has officially begun mining cryptocurrencies, both Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Work coins. Since June 29, Daymak had also started live-streaming the Spiritus prototype’s crypto mining operation results. The feed continues 24/7, and you can visit to explore how much profit Daymak Spiritus generates with mining.

Each Spiritus car will be equipped with a computing platform based on a graphics processor to provide the necessary power to extract digital coins. The system is a patent-pending Daymak Nebula platform to mine crypto. According to Daymak, Nebula is the world’s first comprehensive crypto mining rig specially designed for electric cars. The car will mine cryptocurrencies when it’s plugged for charging, either on mains or charging stations, designed by Daymak itself.

Each Spiritus will represent a blockchain node

While Daymak has announced its Spiritus car this year, it will be actually available in 2023, and each car will represent a node on the blockchain. It will also include a digital wallet to store currencies it mined.

“We envision a future where your highway tolls, parking, and drive-through order will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online invoices and your banking transactions can be processed by the same software platform paid in crypto,” – added Spiritus manufacturer, Daymak.

As for the Spiritus built and specification, the car is a three-wheel chassis. All-wheel drive could develop a power of 200 hp. Daymak announced that the car could accelerate from 0 to 100 in just eight seconds and cruise with a top speed of 130 km / h. Furthermore, the Spiritus Ultimate will be powered by an 80 kWh battery that enables it to cover 480 km in a single charge. The car will also be equipped with solar panels, but their use will be limited to non-mechanical systems.

The Daymak Spiritus will be hitting the market in 2023 with a base price of $20,000. As the environmental concerns are rising, there is a gradual shift to more environmentally-friendly mobility options. As a result, the electric car market is heating up. Major players like Tesla have already captured a significant portion of the current market segment. Still, Daymak, with its quirky out-of-the-box idea, has undoubtedly created a way to the top for itself. But we have to wait for September 2023 to see how things actually go for Dayamk and Spiritus Ultimate.

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